
Sophia was watching Matt and Gabe. They were trying to get close to kiss and hug her, thankfully she's very easy going, so she didn't get too upset. Gabe has tried picking her up just one other time....... Sophia was in the middle of our bed napping and Gabe thought it was in her best interest that she be in her crib. When I realized that Gabe was unaccounted for I immediately went into the bedroom and found them both on the edge of the bed, Gabe holding her around the middle trying to get her into her playpen that was right up next to the bed. They are both fine. :) I'm going to be getting gates to section off girl's area from the boy's area. Hopefully that will work ... although I can totally picture Gabe climbing over the gate trying to 'comfort' the girls.
Gabe's really excited to get to sit next to his sister (Sophia) in Anna's chair/rocker. (I love those chairs!)

Sophia sleeping. They are getting to the point where they're awake more often, I just happen to pull out the camera when they're sleeping.

Anna - she's since lost more hair on top. She really looks like she's going bald already. Poor girl!

Gabe -- let me explain the scabs.....The day before the picture was taken Gabe was playing basketball with "aww-jea" AJ and Micheal, our neighbors. The ball rolled away from him and he went after it, tripped on his shoes and fell, forhead first, onto the asphalt. He had a pretty large goose-egg on his noggin and cried for a little while, but after icing it for 15 min or so he was right back out there playing. What a trooper. :) (The cut on his nose is from him pulling a plastic container down on his face trying to get to his cowboys and indians.)
When we were having worship the other night he was playing with his scab and ended up pulling it off. He looked at it in his hand and said, "boke" then put it back up to his head trying to reattach it.

Anna -- snug as a bug in a rug. It's hilarious ... no matter how tightly you wrap her up she always finds a way to get her arms out. It's quite amazing.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Kathryn for getting more photos up! Your heart must have been pumping finding Gabe and Sophia just ready to jump off the bed....yikes!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the adorable pictures, Kats!
When we were over cleaning at my land lady's her three year old grand daughter picked 20lb Deeder up around the middle and dragged him across the floor, this was mildly disturbing, but hardly life threatening. That's as close as he's gotten to being dropped--What a relief that Gabe didn't accidentally knock Sophia off the bed, that would have been bad! :P

The pictures of him with the girls are completely cute (neat chairs too)! Are things calming down around there now that the girls are a little bigger?