
And Some New Photos to Boot!

While I'm signed in to Kathryn's blog, I figure I should add a few of my favorite new pictures.

Here's an old one of Matthew that Amanda made super-awesome.
He loves basketball. Today it was about 65 degrees out, and they both wore their b-ball outfits--they just don't care! Incidentally, he doesn't look quite as handsome these days. Yesterday at church, Sam Putz was giving Gabe a piggy-back ride and Sam lost his balance. Sam fell forward and Gabe landed with his face on the sidewalk which resulted in his forhead and nose getting roadrash. What made the situation worse was that when Kathryn was holding Gabe, she went to go get a paper towell to wipe up the blood, but Sophia was in the way, so she knocked her over and poor Sophia's head landed on a strip of metal.

We brought the kids to see some ofthe flooding last weekend (3/22/08) with the hopes that they'd learn some of the power of God in nature as well as appreciate the story of Noah. When we pulled over to take this picture, a police officer asked us to leave. When I mentioned the cars already parked there (not in picture), he said that they were ferrying supplies out to stranded people. This is off MO-30 near 141.

This is the intersection of 141 and I-44.

Same intersection. My estimation is that the water was about 6 feet deep.
Not that we celebrate Easter, but egg painting is fun and the kits were on sale.

Best buds working together.

Here's the finished product.
We found Matt and Gabe sitting together watching a movie and Gabe had his arm around Matt. By the time we took the picture, the moment was just about gone, but this gives you the idea.


Kathy said...

What a surprise to wake up so early this morning and not wanting to disturb Dad made some coffee and check some blogs, which no one seems to be updating, except reliable Laura and found new photos on your blog! I really enjoyed to videos as well. Anna is so adorable when she leans over to kiss Sophia!

Kathy said...

How far from your area was all the flooding? And how is it now? Was there much damage?

Anonymous said...

aww kathryn! i miss you and your kids! thanks for all the photos, and the videos! the girls are hilarious! esp in their relationship with each other, whats with the kiss/food sharing?? haha

nice to see your mosaic on display. i wish i hadna sold mine. oh well.