
My Grandma Ruth Hanson

My Grandma Ruth passed away on the morning of Monday, September 10th from kidney failure. She was in a lot of pain in the end. She had fallen four weeks ago and hit her head and arm, she didn't break anything, but was uncomfortable. Her major organs were starting to shut down; and on Sunday (9th) she was given 24 hours to live. She was 91 years old. God blessed her with a good long life! I thank God that she loved the Lord and was a strong Christian woman! She will be greatly missed by everyone that knew her!
This was the last time I saw her in Feb of 2006. I remember that day she gave Allison a $10.00 bill telling her to get herself a new pair of jeans because the ones she was wearing had holes in the knees. She was always thinking of other people.
My grandma's funeral is tomorrow. Unfortunately I wasn't able to go, but I will be thinking of everyone in California celebrating the life of Ruth Hanson tomorrow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry about your Gramma, Kathryn. She sounded like a fine lady. Thanks for all the new pics of your cuties. :)