
Gabe trying desperately to reach the toys. Posted by Picasa


Holly said...

Does he sit up already? We had an infant seat like that. I was always trying to get the toys closer to Samuel so that he could actually play with the toys. I think the seat we had said something about if your child sits up, don't use it, so that's when I'd stop and put them in the swing to sit and play with toys or on the floor to play in their gym.

Kathryn said...

No, he doesn't sit up entirely on his own yet .... he pulls himself up on the seat and then falls back down. Sometimes I put him in the boppy to sit and play, but he kicks too much that he ends up laying down before too long and gets mad. How old does he have to be to go in the bouncer? I know he has to be able to hold his head up, but I can't remember what else ...

Holly said...

I think it's four months, and once they can stand on their own, you're not supposed to use it anymore. I forget with each child, and I have to get out the instructions (good thing I keep stuff like that) and look it up everytime!