
WHAT?? A POST!?!?!?!

Yeah, Yeah, I know it's been a while. Sorry guys!
Check out this major cutie's smile!! He's smiling and talking a lot more lately. It's so sweet.

The girls absolutely adore Jack. Especially Sophia. She always wants to give him kisses and hugs.

Best buds.
Uncle Nate and Matthew racing on MarioKart right before they left. Matthew absolutely LOVES Uncle Nate. He can't wait for him to visit again.
We all had a great time with Kathy, Nate, Susan and Stella! Thanks for coming out to see us!!!

We tried to get a group shot of the girly cousins, but none of my pictures turned out very well. (Kathy or Susan ... did you get any good ones?)

I love how tender Matthew is in the shot.

They had lots of fun riding bikes -- until Stella fell, poor girl!

Mr. Serious

We went to the zoo with the Putz's and Hopler's. Can you believe all those children are only from 2 families (except for the 2 older girls)?

Matthew (he wants to be called Matthew now) is growing up so much! He can read now, but doesn't like to very much. I tell him he needs to practice, but he says "I'll practice when I go to school."


Kathy said...

Nobody can complain that you're not posting cause no one else is either! Such busy lives! Thanks for putting up the photos and yes I do have some shots of the girls I want to put up but it's going to have to wait I've got to finish Paul's bunk today, it's the only day I can get it done before heading to your place! Can't wait to get there!!
David & I went to the Woodstock Museum this weekend down in Bethel NY where the concert took place and had a great time. Check it out bethelwoodscenter.org If only they had the facilities back then!
I'll try to get some photos up before I leave.
Love to all

Anonymous said...

Love all the pictures. Showed them to Mom and she loved them too.. Matt sure is getting big as they all are. At least this way Mom and I do get to see them growing up. Glad that Kathy is going to help you all. I know you could use the help, but I will miss her. Love to all. Hugs and Kiss' all around too.
Aunt Mary

Laura said...

Great post, Kathryn! Glad to see pictures again :)
Looks like you're having beautiful weather over there!

I like Matthew's comment about practicing reading when he gets into school! Are you guys planning on putting the kids in school? So far I think that we are.

Thanks for visiting my blog--I know your days must already be jam packed.