
Here are the girls (still in the belly)

So, I told you I was huge .... here's proof!!! And this was taken close to two weeks ago! I've been 'full term' for singleton pregnancies for three or more weeks! According to my doctor he thinks I'll go into labor end of this month.

I look like I'm about to puke or cry in this picture, but I thought it was really cute of Gabe.

Matthew is so excited about the girls! He was at gymnastics today and told his teacher he's having TWO sisters. :)

And what would a post be without Michael Jordan......

and his friend Roy Rodgers.........


Manda said...

You look great! Not even busting out of your maternity jeans yet. haha I'm *still* busting out of mine and it's been almost three months. haha! Love all the photos! thanks for posting! :D

leila♥ said...

Veery cute pictures:-)
It's nice to see you guys are doing well.
God Bless:-)

Kristie said...

Hey YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for posting pics of yourself!!!!! I was talking to Grandma today and asked about you!! You do look Maaaaavelous dawling.;) Okay, so we know you look great, but how are you feeling???? So it could happen anytime? I'm sure the girls will look as pretty as their mommy!!!:D We're prayin for ya, gal!!! LOVE YA TONSIES!!!!!