
All's Well In Babyland

I just got back from the doctors. Wanted to report to you all that everything is going well. They are starting to do non-stress tests every week now to make sure they're heartbeats are sounding good and that they're not in distress. Also checking the fluid levels ("B" has too much fluid, but "A" is good.)

Today "Baby A" looked really good. I got to see her breathing -- so cool!

"Baby B" was too active to get a consistent heartbeat. She kept moving away from the monitor. They said that from what they could see she looked fine as well. I got to see her breathing as well as swallowing fluid -- she stuck out her tongue too. (I wish we could've gotten that in a picture.)

The doctor was very impressed that I've been so healthy this pregnancy. I've really had no problems (except for the normal back pain, some burning from stretching skin and muscles and heartburn) for her to be concerned about. She did tell me I can't take anymore hot showers. Wahhhh!! That's so awful! I love love love my hot showers. I guess I can survive without them for a month or so. The doctor I saw last week thinks that (in his experience) I'll probably go till the end of March and have them 4-5 weeks early. I'm slightly skeptical because with my other pregnancies I've been over my due date, so I can't imagine going before hand. I go in next week to get the long ultrasound where they measure the babies and make sure they're both growing at the same rate. I've never had so many ultrasounds! The neatest part is that I have lot of pictures of them developing. It's awesome to see how the babies grow each month. The last time I was in they gave me a 3-d picture of "Baby A".

"Baby B" wouldn't cooperate, again. She always has her head in the wrong positions. The picture of her above is the first real profile/face shot I've gotten.
As for matters of prayer.............
"B" is still breech and with each week the chances of her flipping decrease. I've talked with the doctor and he said that I have three choices. 1) c-section 2)one natural/one c-section 3)both natural - delivering the second breech (if the first baby is head down and is larger than the second.) I've for sure ruled out #1 ... I'd rather try to deliver "B" breech than go through the c-section or at least have them try to turn her before going under the knife. Please pray that, ideally, the baby would flip and I wouldn't have to worry about the c-section, but if not that we would be wise in which method Ben and I decide on doing. There are complications with both sides, so I just don't know which is better. Thanks!
Well, that's all for now -- I'm almost there! :D Next post I'll try to get a belly shot. The docs say I'm 'full term' size already. :O Till next time.............

1 comment:

Manda said...

I can see the family resemblance already! :D We'll keep you in prayer about the delivery options. It's hard not to be anxious, isn't it? You know, you could make a decision and at the last minute have the circumstances change, necessitating a different approach. Usually if the first baby comes the right way, it won't be much trouble for #2 to come, even breech. Michelle says it's really common. Educating yourself about all of the scenarios is good because then you'll be prepared for anything, but try not to worry. (((hugs)))