
Well, I had an interesting night last night! I got Matthew a big boy bed on Saturday and last night was his first night in his new bed (in the same room with Gabe). Gabe wasn't feeling well, so he didn't fall asleep till later than normal. At around 1am Gabe started crying and Matthew started coughing and then woke up crying as well, so I went into the room and Gabe was at the edge of his crib with his legs through the posts as far as they could go and he couldn't get out. I picked him up and looked over at Matthew and he had puked all over his new bed and one of his stuffed animals. So, after getting it all cleaned up and the kids calmed down. I ended up sleeping with two sick kids in my bed. So much for a fun first night in his big boy bed!!  Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.