
I tried putting Matthew down for a nap one day and he didn't want to sleep. I went into the other room to feed Gabe and he kept calling for me, ?Moooom, mooooom, hellloooooooo, knock knock, moooooooom.? I kept ignoring it because he's done that before just to play me and get me to come into the room. Finally I heard a loud thud. I thought he tried climbing out of the crib and then fell, so I hurried into the room to find him standing on the mattress that's half on the floor saying, "mom, I braked it." He jumped so hard on the bed that part of it broke. He looked really nervous -- thinking he was going to get into trouble. I started laughing so hard I cried. So then he laughed and started jumping up and down again saying, "haha, I braked it, haha!" Posted by Picasa

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