Time has flown by so quickly!
He loves to play basketball with his big bro, Matt. He makes "shau" (shots).
His favorite psalm is "Oh ward" (Psalm 145). He'd sing it every night if he had his way.
His favorite reward for using the bathroom is "bum" (gum).
If we're holding one of the girls and he wants us to play with him he says, "bebe dow, upa me".
His favorite Bible story is David and Goliath.
He calls both of the girls "Anna".
He started potty training himself at 18 months!
He prefers to be called Gaby, not Gabe.
He doesn't like loud fireworks. This last July 4th whenever he heard fireworks he'd go to the window or door, hold his thumb and ring finger out like a gun and say, "Shoo". I asked him if he shot the fireworks, he nodded his head and said, "die".
When one of the girls is upset he will bring them a toy to play with.
If he accidentally hurts one of the girls he'll immediately give them a kiss and say, "sau-wee".
His favorite animal is the crocodile.
He doesn't like large groups of people singing "Happy Birthday" to him.
We love you, Gaby-Baby!!